Grade School



2nd Grade

The curriculum and experiences in the second grade year build on the foundation of first grade. Students transition from the experience of one and the whole to duality and comparison. The children enter second grade with an established relationship with their class teacher.

The scope of the second grade curriculum juxtaposes fables with legends drawn from diverse cultures. The students gain a profound intuitive grasp of human moral lessons presented through the characterization of various animals. At the same time, the highest moral striving of humanity is portrayed through the legends of individuals and their accomplishments. On one hand, the stories of noble deeds and self-sacrifice cultivate a sense of wonder and admiration for human striving; on the other hand, animals, with more self-serving antics, often mirror a child's lower self. This polarity is seen so clearly in the eyes of a second grader; in hearing ancient stories, children are able to more easily discern themselves in humorous or significant scenarios.

The second grade curriculum focuses on deepening capacities. The blocks of study alternate between math and language skills as the students strengthen and expand the fundamental concepts introduced in first grade. In math, the students strive to master columnar addition, rounding, multiplication tables, estimation, place value, simple long division, and more. In the area of language arts, they continue to further their knowledge of sight words and phonics rules, enabling them to "Crack the Code" of reading fluently. They also use these skills as they begin to spell more words on their own and write simple compositions.

The second-grade year is rich and full of excitement as the child learns how to be a part of a class while exploring his or her independent nature.

Learning Objectives


Class and small group dialogue, experiencing stories and envisioning themes and outcomes


Lower case letters, parts of speech, reading, oral recitation, drama


Fables, folklore, legends of saints and heroes, Native American lore


Continuation of the four operations, concrete computation, column addition and subtraction, multiplication facts


Nature study – qualities of animals


Linear forms, mirrored forms


Beeswax modeling


Spanish songs, dances, games, poetry, stories, alphabet and numbers


Knitting and purling with pattern changes, simple hand sewing


Pentatonic flute, lyre, folk songs, singing


Cooperative games