


Woodworking & Blacksmithing


Beginning in the 6th grade, students take classes in the practical art of woodworking. In these classes, students make beautiful, practical objects out of wood and metal. Using only hand tools, children concentrate on exactness in the use of those tools and developing endurance and skillfulness of hand. This helps to train the children’s senses and their will, as well as, enhance their understanding of Geometry, Biology, Physics, and other similar subjects.  Blacksmithing begins in 9th grade.

“Children who learn while they are young to make practical things by hand in an artistic way, and for the benefit of others as well as for themselves, will not be strangers to life or to other people when they are older. They will be able to form their lives and their relationships in a social and artistic way, so that their lives are thereby enriched. Out of their hands can come technicians and artists who will know how to solve the problems and tasks set us.”

-Rudolf Steiner